Symbolic Tokens
Inspire a Safe
Campus Return

Unlocking the Power of Tokens

We developed a comprehensive COVID-19 response plan for MIT, incorporating carefully crafted graphics and illustrations inspired by the school's traditional scavenger hunt tokens. The primary objective was to efficiently communicate essential information to students.

The Challenge

The challenge faced by MIT was the necessity to establish effective communication channels with students and staff, prioritizing the school's values and emphasizing safety. Specifically, the challenge involved effectively relaying vital information to students returning to campus during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Solution

MIT's COVID-19 response plan included strategic graphics inspired by traditional tokens, implemented through campus communication channels. Our goal was to collectively address the challenge by promoting hygiene practices, creating a secure environment, and fostering community support, upholding MIT's commitment to safety and responsibility.

Tokens of Safety

Final deliverables included custom illustrations, message framework, social graphics.


The COVID-19 response plan for MIT had a significant impact on the community, including 11,000 students. We successfully promoted hygiene practices, ensured safety, and fostered community support, collectively combating the pandemic while upholding our commitment to safety and responsibility.


VOX Global

